Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to School

It's that time of year again (okay, okay, so I'm a few weeks late on this one)...back to school.  This year, my oldest daughter started kindergarten (*sniff*  Where does the time go?).  Teachers work so hard and get so little appreciation that I wanted to send her with a small gift, to start the year off right, so I gave her teacher this box of supplies.

Usually, when I give a gift, I like to give something that I know the recipient will enjoy, but since I had only briefly met her teacher, it was very difficult to personalize her gift, but with a little paper, glue and creativity, I was able to give it just a little personal touch.

I used printable Scrabble letters, that I found online to spell out my daughter's name and her teacher's name, along with the words "Learn," "Teach," "Grow."  She loved it!